A spell to become successful in business

Will I become and stay successful and rich in my business (mutt cuts)?

Merry Meet Seeker, Congratulations on becoming a business owner. Anyone who owns a business knows how worried one can become when the business isn’t doing well. However, don’t worry, here is a spell to keep your business thriving always: Dress a High John Root with High John the conqueror Oil. Keep it in a charm bag. Carve a red candle with your name, goals, desires and sigils. Make sure that you keep your goals high enough to sustain business. Dress the candle with Lucky Lodestone oil or High John the conqueror oil. Light the candle near an iron pot or cauldron in which water is boiling. Sprinkle some powdered High John into the water. As steam rises, pass your charm bag with the High John root through the steam as well as the candle smoke several times until it feels right. Tie the charm bag into a corner of the vehicle you use for your business. If you do not use a vehicle, you can hang it on any structure in your business location. Make sure it is not disturbed by anyone. When you feel that your business is not doing as well as it should, repeat the spell. To add to the good luck, give free services to people who cannot afford to pay you. The more you give, the more you receive. Hope this helps keep your business booming. Brightest Blessings. Rose.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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