Are you a Witch?

Are you a Witch?

Merry Meet Seeker,
Yes, I am a witch just like you. You may be suprised to know that we are all born witches. It is only when some non-believers change the perception by telling us that we are something else that we forget we are witches.
As witches, we love nature, we take care of the environment, we love animals as well as all humans and we have the power to create anything we wish for. The life of a witch is the life of any living being. As humans, we speak (loudly at times :)) and can chant, shout, sing, etc. Animals are also as sacred as humans and they don’t need to shout or cry to get their wishes accomplished.
Since we are born witches, our life is wonderful during our early years when we enjoy just seeing a butterfly or enjoying a simple snack. Our joy is unbounded because we have not become adults and have stuffed a lot of unnecessary information into our brains.
As you are born a witch, you can easily learn to make your dreams come true. For this purpose, it is best to learn meditation which is one of the ways to still the mind. When your mind changes so drastically from minute to minute, it is not easy to focus. To still our mind, we have to learn Meditation and practice it daily.
Also, to be a good witch, we have to see only the good in others. Complaining, criticizing, imitating, etc are not behaviours that help in our growth. Insead, helping others, saving animals, taking care of them, talking to elderly people, loving everyone and everything on Earth etc. are good characteristics for a good Witch.
Hope you will enjoy being a witch too.
Brightest Blessings

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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