Can you help me get revenge?


Hello dear, I’m not sure who wronged you or why, but I’d like to talk to you a bit about the concept of revenge. Why do you want it? Will it fix what they did to you? Will it make you hurt any less? Will it make the world a better place? Chances are, if you answered honestly, the answer to all of these questions is no. No matter how bad someone hurt you, hurting them back doesn;t really make it any better. We sometimes think that it does, but it never really helps. We might smile at their misery, but it doesn’t ever fix the pain that they caused us. Instead, we are much better off when we can forgive the pain they caused. Finally,w e don;t do this because we know that to seek revenge will bring harm to ourselves. As witches, we believe in the rule of three. Whatever you do to someone else comes back to you three times over. And, we also believe that the one true law of the universe is that you can do whatever you want so long as it harms no one else. Revenge, by definition, harms someone else. So, you are breaking the one rule that witches believe and you are causing pain to come back to yourself three times over. Is it really worth it for that one moment of revenge?

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

2 Responses to “Can you help me get revenge?”

  1. alexandra says:

    i just broke up with my boyfriend as as hectic that it has been …he has treated me really badlly in nott giving opportunities,,and its all got to do with this secretary which i think hes having an affair…so i wanna know how to get revenge this is another relationship down the drain beacuse of some other misstress
    …im sick of love… can anybody help me>

  2. Fran says:

    Absolutely right Rose, what does it change ultimately. Tempting though it is to act on anger and hurt, you are so much better off focusing on yourself and doing all you can to heal and move on.

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