How can I practice Wicca and meet other practitioners?

hi i have recently noticed some “gifts” in myself and have decided to try my hand at wicca i need some assistance in being able to tell if its real and getting started if it is i have dreams of things that happen and some of my “spells” (nothing major) have worked i have always had an intrest in this and am eager for an answer or to meet others like me and to not feel crazy please help!!!!

Merry Meet Seeker, It is wonderful to hear that you are gifted and that your spells have been successful. It looks like you are off to a fine start as a practitioner or Wicca. Practitioners of Wicca have a choice of working alone or joining a group called a coven. Some books you can read if you are interested in Solitary practice are: “Wicca: A guide for the solitary practitioner” by Scott Cunningham “The Wicca Handbook” by Eileen Holland “Earth Power – Techniques of natural magick” by Scott Cunningham and many others – you just need to google “wicca” on or any other reputable online bookstore. You may also look for these and other good books on Wicca in the local used book stores, libraries, etc. Also you can get the complete information on Wicca, its principles, rituals and rules by visiting: If you wish to mee other Witches, do check out the and search for Wicca or witchcraft groups. Join them if they are taking new members. If you would like to join and take part in coven activities, check out the following webpage: At that site, there is a menu on the left panel in which you can enter your country, state, city, etc. This will help you find wicca groups in your area of in nearby towns, cities, etc. You may also be able to contact many other practitioners through this site. Another way to meet people interested in Wicca is to join At this site, if you search for Wicca, you will find over 375 meet up groups for the USA. You can search for wiccans in any country or any part of the country by searching this site. Welcome to Wicca. I am sure your life will be magickally enriched in many ways by the practice of Wicca. Brightest Blessings. Rose.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

3 Responses to “How can I practice Wicca and meet other practitioners?”

  1. eduardo carranza says:

    well i admire magic,i wish i am able to turn into a witch and that i am able to do magic,and spells , someone please give me advice but ima check into groups of wicca in my area by yahoo,im twenty years old, n me, specially, but me and my brother in law we both ask for help please we have heard and found the path of witches and feal like we haved found a happy,joyfull, path… by eduardo good to meet you all……………….please e-mail me ….. [email protected]

  2. hey tell me if there are any people that you know that can stop the clouds above?or if its possible i know some one who can but not for money it dosent happen he.s a special person he can show you and what about mental telepathy? he speaks with other people all the time get back its important to here your side of the question thank you

  3. franklin says:

    can someone help me? im not what i look like and i want something different this is new but i dont know how to start i dont care how i start or where it is but im stuck and i need some answer plz.

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