How can I increase my breast size?

Hello, this is very embarresing for me to ask this but, is there such thing as a breast enlarging spell? Or maybe a powder or an oil? I’ve had not such good luck with breast growth and I was just wondering if there was such a thing. Hope to hear from you soon. Regards, Christina

Merry Meet Friend, Of course, there is nothing embarrassing about asking for this. We are so used to media “pushing” breast size to unnatural sizes using pads and other contraptions since ancient times. Remember the corsets which made it impossible for women to breaaaaaathe? People preferred to have smaller waists even if it meant that they take out a rib or two!! So working a spell for making our breasts larger is nothing new. In fact, there are many spells that were used for this specific purpose since ancient times! Here are a few of them you can try. Remember, the success of our life does not depend on any one organ of our body.. Have fun doing these spells! You have plenty of women for company, I can assure you. Turkish Harem Spell Step 1: Get some fenugreek seeds. They are available at any East Indian grocery store. Pour boiling water over 2 Tablespoons of the fenugreek seeds and let it soak . Step 2: When the water cools, strain out the seeds. You may eat then with a salad as they are very healthy although bitter to taste. Step 3. Use the fenugreek infusion to bathe your breasts while you visualize them gaining in size. Repeat as necessary. Maria Padilha Breast Enhancement Spell Step 1. Get seven grains of corn and two candles, one red and one black Step 2. Go to a crossroads near your house on a Friday night, preferably, a new moon night. Step 3. Light the two candles, invoke Maria and show her the corn. Step 4. Promise that you will give Maria the corn and tell her about your wish for breast enhancement. Step 5. Return home and rub each grain of corn over your breast in gentle massaging motions. Repeat this massage every Friday night for seven nights. Step 6. After the 7th Friday, feed the corn to a black dove or pigeon with red or black legs (Her sacred bird and messenger) Step 7. Return to the crossroads with red and black candles, a bottle of anisette and a bouquet of longstemmed roses for Maria. Step 8. Light the candles and thank Maria Padilha for helping you. Open the anisette, take a mouthful adn spray it in the direction of Maria. Leave the bottle and the roses and the burning candles and return home. You will see a difference in a few weeks. Brightest Blessings. Rose.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

3 Responses to “How can I increase my breast size?”

  1. Shannu says:

    Dear Rose

    Last year i got married but now my husband is not even considering me at all he is very strick not giving me any freedom… we both had a misunderstanding with each other i came to mom home for the past 6 month i m staying in my mom home only now i want my husaband back but as a normal person… can you suggest me what to do for that?

  2. Erika says:

    Our body deserve to get the best thing. Use natural ingredient to improve health of our body.

  3. Jessica says:

    I just wanted to ask can I increase my breast size with witch craft? I’ve had 3 children and yes they are a great blessing in every way. But one thing I wish that hadn’t gone away did. I want to feel better for me , so if there is a way please help. Thank you so much, Jessica

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