Does becoming a witch mean that I have to believe in a different God?

To become a witch do i have to become a wicca ? Becoming a witch and still believing in the god of the muslim religion is it okay ?

Greetings. It is good to hear that you would like to practice witchcraft. The practice of witchcraft does not require you to do anything different from what you are doing today. It just means that you become more aware of the God power within you. Wicca is a religion with many tenets and beliefs like any other religion. You can practice witchcraft without joining the Wicca religion. Witchcraft was practiced by almost all ancient cultures. Most organized religion gave it a bad name because they are more interested in getting money from everyone. What you can do is to practice witchcraft while still believing in the Muslim God. As we all believe, there is only one God and we all call God in different languages. Allah, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, all came to this world with the sole purpose of enlightening us. Witchcraft enables us to believe in our own powers. We are not powerless. We can use our own powers to change the events in our future and also to create our dreams. Instead of crying or wailing that we don’t have a good life, we can start to change everything by believing that we can change our life. So start practicing witchcraft by yourself and only for good purposes. If you can help others heal, gain love or get money, you are doing what many of us can do if we believe in witchcraft. With witchcraft, we know that all of us have the same powers and that no one is better or worse than us in any way. Hope this answers your question. Brightest Blessings.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

One Response to “Does becoming a witch mean that I have to believe in a different God?”

  1. Lisa says:

    Maybe you can help. My fiance left in September for Costa Rica and I was supposed to go and see him , spend some time with him and we were going to get married and then I was going to come back to the U.S. and ask for him. In December he told me that he slept with a girl because he was lonely. He asked if I still loved him and if I could forgive him and take him back. He asked if I still loved him and I told him no. I love him with all my heart and soul and I want him back so bad. He is now with this dumb girl for about two months becasue I told him to move on with his life. We still talk and I keep telling him that I love him with all my heart and I lied to him because I was upset. He says that he has moved on and that he still cares for me but he does not want to hurt her. I am sick about this and I want him back. He could not possibly love her. We spent a lot of time together and he loves my kids so much. He talks with them almost everyday. Please help. Is there anything I can try to bring him back or to remember our love? Please help me. Thank you, Lisa

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