How can I become a witch?

Hii, I am Megan and I am 13 years old. I really wanna become a witch. And have been reading in the library and on the internet for the culture and all about witches. And I have been trying magic for ages! I concentrate when I do magic, but it just won’t work… I just don’t know what to believe now… I am just so desperate to be a witch… But how? That why i’m e-mailing you Rose… Can you please help me be a witch? Could you please give the awnser of how to become a witch? And if you have time some basic spells or links? Thankyou! xx Megan

Merry Meet Megan, It is wonderful to hear that you are interested in witchcraft. Teenage years are sometimes very frustrating with surging hormones that bring happy days and sad days alternately. Life is beautiful one day and the very next day, you may be upset about something that never bothered you before. So don’t get discouraged. With patience and knowledge of witchcraft, you will be able to bring out your full potential as you grow up into a beautiful young lady. Anybody can practice witchcraft. All human beings are capable of being witches. You don’t need anyone to help you become a witch because you are already one indeed! It is like asking a girl to become a woman. Yes, eventually you will become a woman, but it takes time and a lot of patience, correct? Here are some suggestions which will help you not get so desperate and give up that easily. 1. Get some books on meditation. Learn to sit quietly in a room at least for ten minutes and think only about one thing – say flowers. Whenever your mind wanders, think of more flowers, their colors and petals, etc. 2. When you can control your wandering mind, you are ready for working on spells. 3. Find a space where you can sit quietly and do your spell. 4. Make an altar if possible. It doesn’t have to be strange or weird, it can just be an assortment of your favorite things placed neatly on your desk. When you sit next to it, you will feel happy, calm and relaxed. Your mind and spirit will be most powerful at this point. 5. If at all possible, work on spells when no one is home. Do not burn candles, incense or anything dangerous. You don’t really need that for all your spells. Although when you are older, you can learn to work with them. Start with simple spells. Here is one for you: Romany Mirror Spell This spell will use the power of amber which is a powerful love charm. Get a piece of amber and silver jewelry. On a full moon day, look up at the moon through the amber while you focus on your heart’s desires. Stand in the light of the Moon as long as you can. When you are sleepy, place the charged amber under your pillow and go to sleep. The next day, when you wake up, wear this jewelry. It is now a very potent love charm that will help you attract the one you love. Brightest Blessings. Rose.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

One Response to “How can I become a witch?”

  1. leen says:

    ik heb voerger ook boek gelezen over heks
    worden maar ik weet niet hoe dat moet doen kun jij mij helpen

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