How can I get my ex to stop doing drugs?

Rose, I have just recently broken up with the guy i’m in love with because he feels like marijuana is more important than our year and two month long relationship. He has been doing weed before i have even met him, but i didn’t realize he became dependent on it. I feel like he’s going to ruin his life because of this becoming unmotivated and get in trouble legally AGAIN. Let me say he is only 17 and I am 16. I want him back so bad, but if i never get him back then i just want him to live a happy life. I have never done any magic in my life and i am a little intimidated performing it myself. Is there a spell i can perform to get my ex to stop doing drugs and make his life worth-while?

Merry Meet Seeker,
It is unfortunate that your ex does not see the value in your advice. People who are addicted to drugs usually are not in control of their feelings, emotions or spirit. All they hear is the call for more drugs. Nobody can force them to become sober. The only thing that you can do is to allow his parents to know about his addiction. The fact that he is already in trouble legally should have made him sober if he was in control of his sensese. The fact that he is not showing any interest in reducing his drug habits does not fare well foyou.
From your message, I feel that you are a smart girl with family support who knows when to say No. However, in Witchcraft, it is not a good idea to help others without their knowledge. One way you can get over this is to pray for your ex so that he becomes sober even though you never see each other again. Prayer had a lot of validity since it is indeed a visulaization and transmission of intention to the Universe.
One way you can get some peace is to talk to your parents and may allow them to talk to your ex’s parents since you are both not adults yet. Parents need to be aware if the children are taking drugs. It is best that your parents talk to his parents. You need to stay out of all of these developments and focus on your studies. These are formative years and you will need to move on to college where you will meet very sensible, loving and friendly people. However, your sincerity and eagerness to help will always be appreciated by all the peopel who will come in contact with you in the future.
Brightest Blessings

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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