How can I learn black magic?

Heyy,i’m really interested in learning black magic.i have always been curious about the world of spirits.i would like to have ur assistance in learning more about it.i believe in ghosts and is extremley interested in them.will u help me.the problem i face is that my parents doesnt want me to get involved in all these things.please please please help me1

Merry Meet Seeker, I am happy to hear that you are curious and would like to learn about the world of spirits. However, what is more important is why you wish to learn about spirits and why specifically about black magic. Witchcraft is the old way of life that used the powers of individuals to create actions. If the individuals had negative thoughts (evil energy) others got hurt. And the person who had the negative thoughts were hurt too. That is how the Universe works. Regardless of what you offer to the Universe, it will give you back three times the same results. Now you understand why there is a big distinction between Wicca and other types of witchcraft that focus on the goodness of people and black magic which focuses on the use of our powers to hurt other people or entities. Black magic is sure to destroy you more than it will destroy others to wish to hurt. Black magic is rarely used now because people know that it does not bring joy to anyone. Instead, we can use positive witchcraft to benefit ourselves and others. If we think positively, we can easily create joy in our lives without hurting anyone. To learn witchcraft in its entirety, go to this site or try any of the books on Wicca from a used book store or online stores. Brightest Blessings. Rose.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

3 Responses to “How can I learn black magic?”

  1. Nadine says:

    Dear Rose,

    I have been a Pagan for a Long time . Yesterday I wrote a message to you asking for help but I didn’t find the reply either here or in my email. Please The problem there is this man did some black Magic on My husband and his friends at work, but I also found out it is a protection spell as well as hurting others that I didn’t understand, he is hurting everyone around him, making them sick , and he is an ill-mannered he has been steeling from the company for so long , until my husband came and discovered all his doings and brought it to the owner’s attention. The weird part is they are unable to do anything about its as if they are under a spell, which I discovered they are. I discovered that this man has used Black Magic and sacrificed something I wasn’t able to find out what it is, and Now he’s hurting my husband , who is sick most of the time as well as others PLEASE HELP
    I tried many Protection spells but no use what Can I do????
    Thank you
    Blessed Be

  2. carrie says:

    I want to curse someone. Put a hex.

  3. hannah says:

    i want to luren how to do black magic but i dont now how can u help me

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