How can I solve my problems?

hello i am experience problems and illness like depression and morning vomiting that i couldn’t solve and i am having bad luck in life and was never able to attract people or be with the one i love can you please help me or is there any spell that can solve my problems? thanks you

Merry Meet Seeker, It is indeed very unfortunate that you have suffered so much in the past few years. I will give you a very powerful spell that will change your life and make you happier and luckier. Blue Cornflower Spell Blue cornflowers are well known for their evil repellent powers . It also keeps evil magick at bay so that you can continue on with your life without worrying about illness or psychic attacks. For this spell, gather some dried blue cornflowers and grind them into a very fine powder. Sweep the entire house very thoroughly with a broom. When you have cleaned the whole house including windows, doors, thresholds, closets and the roof, walk around the entire house while carrying the blue cornflower powder and sprinkle this powder all over the Thresholds, corners of all rooms, closets, entry doors, eaves and roof. In these days, evil energy can also enter a house through our phones, modems, computers, cell phones, etc. So make sure you take a pinch of this powder and lightly touch the item to give it some protection. Remember to not spray these gadgets with any powder which may destroy them inadvertently. Perform this ritual often to keep evil energies away regardless of their source. For more protection, you may make a bracelet or necklace with blue-eye beads. This will keep your home healthy and clean so that you can enjoy life once again. Brightest Blessings. Rose

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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