How can I use the power of magick?

Dear Rose, I have always felt a feeling of of power within me even though none of my family are witches or into magic. I’ve studied witchcraft off and on since middle school and have yet to find an answer for it. I can see entities and sometimes speak to them and sometimes I dream of something happening in the near future in exact detail. How can I use this power and learn to control it? Please help!

Merry Meet Seeker,
The power of witchcraft is a blessing that most people with good Karma have. You may have done a lot of good in your previous life to achieve this power in this life. However, you have to use this power only for positive reasons; otherwise, you may lose it.
So keep reading and studying witchcraft as long and as often as you can. The more you dwelve into it, the better witch you will be. Our goal is not to “control” the power, but to guide or direct the power to where we want it to go. This power is always at your disposal under some conditions of course. If you abuse this power, it weakens and if you use it for beneficial purposes, your powers increase.
So your best bet to increase this power is to do any or all of the following:
1. Assist all those people who need help such as homeless people on the road
2. Someone who needs a ride
3. Sick people
4. Old people who need someone to talk to
5. Babies in hospitals who need to be held and hugged or rocked
6. Someone who needs money for a good cause
7. A pet in need of a home
Such good deeds will be noticed by the Universe which will reward you with even more powers.
Brightest Blessings

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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