How do I develop my talents as a Wicca Practitioner?

Hello I’m really new in the Wiccan Religion. I love magic and my friend had already explained a lot to me. But I want to develope other talents in the Wiccan world. I want to know how I can start reading auras! I also wanted to know if you can give me advice on how to meditate.Because I want to see chakras too! I know I can’t do magic like on t.v. But I still believe that wiccan magic is wonderful Please I would love it if you shared your knowledge with this new timer.

Greetings. It is wonderful to hear that you are eager to learn the Wiccan way of life. In addition to reading good books on Wicca, it is helpful to understand the rhythms of nature. Get closer to nature and you will find the true essence of pagan ways of life. Unlike the current economies which destroy the Earth’s treasures, ancient cultures revered and preserved the pristine surroundings they found themselves in. The most important step you can start with is to set up an altar. Find Earth from significant places, specially shaped rocks, shells, leaves, twigs, feathers, wood, herbs, etc. Arrange them so that their energy permeates your thoughts as you sit by them and meditate. Deep meditation strengthens our mind and allows us to see beyond what our eyes are capable of. As your mind becomes stronger and more able to withstand scatterered energies, you can watch others silently and look for their auras. If you sit by a park bench and watch people passing by, look for the auras on people talking loudly or angrily. When people get angry, their auras change color to red. You may also do several exercises to train your eyes to distinguish aura colors. Go to the following webpage and try the exercises mentioned at the site: Reading an aura is just one power that human beings can develop. As a practitioner of Wicca, your goal is to strengthen your mind and enable yourself to be able to see with your mind rather than with your eyes. Live simply so that others can live happily. Learn to use your powers wisely and only for the good of mankind. Brightest Blessings.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

One Response to “How do I develop my talents as a Wicca Practitioner?”

  1. SkyRaven says:

    When I first started I had someone teaching me but then I branched out on my own and found two excellent books that I live by the first one is the Green Witch written by Ann Moura (Aoumiel) the second is To Ride Asilver Broomstick New Generation Witchcraft written by Silver RavenWolf, and though I have been a practicing witch for many years now I have since bought the Green Witch 2 just to polish up on my abilities and for reading materials. You can find these books by typing them in the serch on Ebay for fairly cheap in the books or witchcraft items.
    Good luck and Blessed Be.

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