How do you cast a circle?

how do u cast a circle?

Merry Meet Seeker, A very good question indeed. There are many ways in which you can cast a circle. The first thing to know is the reason for casting a circle. This is mainly to provide a “safe place” for us to work our spells. Malevolent spirits cannot come into our safe place because we have created a boundary beyond which they are not allowed. This boundary will be as strong as ourselves. If we are very strong, our circles will be so strong that no spirit can cross through while we have closed the circle. Many of the magickal experts use nothing but their energy to cast this circle. Some may use their Athame to draw the line in the air to mark the circle. The circle extends upwards as well as downwards. So make sure that there is no one living below your floor who can negate your sacred circle of energy. When you are ready to work on a spell, clean and cleanse the area around the altar first. Then stand in the center of the area where you visualize your circle to be. Center yourself and reign in your thoughts. Connect to the energy of the Earth below you and the energy of the sky above you. Visualize the energies around you swirling and shape it into a thick ball of energy that is smooth and round and fills the space that you are in.There is no time limit to work into this space and initially, you may need some time to move this energy around to your desire. When you feel that the energy is just right, invite the Deities and the Elements so that they can assist you with the spell working. If you wish to go out of this space, perhaps to get an item you forgot, remember to cut a door with your Athame and also put it back when you have retrieved the item and back in the circle. When you have completed the spell working, you should take down the circle in the exact way you set it up, except that you do all the steps in reverse. First thank the deities and elements for assisting you and then take down the circle. Coax the energies back into where they came from and your spell is done. Hope this helps you understand the importance of practicing these rituals so that you can soon be a pro. Brightest Blessings. Rose.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

3 Responses to “How do you cast a circle?”

  1. kimberley says:

    casting a circle is the most frightening part of magick to me because I never know if It is done right or not…scared to take the chance of doing it wrong and allowing some energy that is unwanted inside. Could you provide a step by step (simple) guide…one that a beginner can do and be perfectly sure that it is done properly….I need an elementary guide on this one….so unsure!

  2. Pamela says:

    I have money problems, bills etc How can I fix this

  3. dragonwing says:

    Search at prior entries, or just look it up. Remember, once you practice and master visualization, tools are props to focus on. You can visual and feel your circle your creating.

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