How do you know Witchcraft is a good act?


Merry Meet Seeker, First of all, witchcraft is not an “act”. It is a religion, a way of living similar to other established and non-powerful religions of the world. It is simply a way of living that was established when life started anew on this amazing planet called Earth. It is the one and only way to live without harming or even isolating others in the name of God. History of Witchcraft When the Earth was habitable, humans arrived here from some other realm and started to live as clans or communities. The environment they lived in was full of awe-inspiring beauty. At the same time, they experienced the fear of the unknown. As spirits who are on Earth to experience life as humans, they realized that the world they were in was a part of them. The life giving energy that flowed through them also flowed through everything around them. They realized that the rivers, the mountains, the trees, the wind and the flowers all had the same energy that created the Universe itself. How good was Witchcraft to the ages? For over 50,000 years the people lived in harmony with nature. The cultures believed that they could use their will power to affect anything they wanted in their lives. They also knew that if they harmed others, the Universe (collective energies) would naturally harm them in similar ways. The system of living continued through millenniums until new, divisive “religions” were created by man to control others. One of the ways in which these people manipulated the world was by writing books which they proclaimed were “written” by an invisible male God to a special few humans. They called nature loving people “heathens” and also decreed that human beings who followed the old ways be hunted and killed. An average person who can think can easily see the defects in these new religions. No God will want a human being that he “created” to be killed or hunted by another. No God will give humans “will power” and then ask them to ignore it. In the greed for power, these religions with their books became powerful and started to call the old ways of living harmful and ungodly. In the name of the new god, they hunted and burnt innocents. Benefits of Witchcraft Witchcraft is the only way to live. If all the religions went away and people turned back to natural ways of living, the world would be a much better place. Using our will power, people could change their lives in the direction they wanted it to move. Unfortunately, nowadays, people own guns which they use to shoot innocents just because they are unhappy with their lives. Using witchcraft and our own magickal powers of the mind, people can easily create the changes they need in their lives. Taking care of nature and the environment will reap rewards as people turn to organic and simple ways of life. Each individual feels empowered and there are no leaders or followers. There is no invisible God to dole out punishments or rewards as decreed by pastors, priests, gurus, etc. Disadvantages of Witchcraft The disadvantage of Witchcraft is that humans can do evil if they choose to. If someone wants to hurt another human being, they can. However, each of us needs to be aware that hurting another will return more harm to ourselves. Instead of revenge, Witchcraft encourages the use of Love as the glue which brings the world together. Brightest Blessings.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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