I want to know if I will have a successful life

i want to know if i will get married have children and have a succesful lifee

Merry Meet Seeker, I can tell you that you will certainly get all that your heart seeks. One of the greatest secrets of life is that what you believe in the most happens to you. As a child, most of us knew exactly what we wanted from life. As we grow up, with every failure we get disillusioned and wonder if we will ever be successful. However, the trick is to never give up. If a child who is learning to walk gives up after one heavy fall, what can we tell her about success? Actually, the baby can teach us about success. She gets up and tries again. She may cry, whimper and scream, but we all know that she will not be happy unless she is walking like a trapeze artist on stilts. After a few days of that, she is a pro at walking. No one said that life will be easy. However, slow and steady really wins the race. If you are worried about your future, one thing you can do is to write down your list of goals. Examples could be 1) get a degree in Medicine 2) Get married 3) Have two children etc. Our goals come from our soul. Others may make fun of us (bungee jumping?), but only we know why we chose the goal. Similarly, some of us are on this Earth to experience the simpler but more beautiful milestones in our life such as marriage, childbirth, etc. The more relaxed and accepting of life’s ups and downs you are, the easier it is for these goals to manifest. So write the goals down and make sure they are on your mind forever. Hope this helps answer your questions and sets your mind at ease. Brightest Blessings. Rose.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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