I would like to learn Witchcraft

hi, my name is Catherine(Catie) Williams and i want to learn to become a witch, or learn witchcraft. the problem is that im only 17, so, since i live with my parents that means i cant create an alter (they probably would never approve of this) so i cant really create a personal space for this any ideas? also because i dont have much money and my parents obviously wont chip in to buy what is needed any idea what is needed. also (sorry about having many questions, im just a beginner)i live in a town were there is absolutely no shops where i can get things for potions or even for spells such as lavender and stuff, any ideas, and also is there a good beginner spell book i can purchase at barns and noble, to help me learn the ways and practice spells? (mostly for white magic) thank you for your time and i appretiate your help. sorry about all the random questions though. ~thanks….catie

Merry Meet Catie,
It is always wonderful to hear from young people who wish to learn witchcraft. Wicca is the most peaceful and powerful of all religions. Wicca does not ask for money from its practitioners and there are no “leaders” or priests to intimidate us, normal folks.
I can understand why it is difficult for you to practice or even learn about Wicca. Here are some books you can get online from Barnes and Noble:
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham
Wicca: The Complete Craft by D. J. Conway, Jeanne McLarney
Wicca: What’s the Real Deal?: Breaking Through the Misconceptions by Dayna Winters
Wicca: A Year & a Day: 366 Days of Spiritual Practice in the Craft of the Wise. by Timothy Roderick
Catie, you may buy any of all of the books if you wish to learn more about Wicca. If you wish to mee other wiccans, try:
Yahoogroups or Googlegroups on the internet. After you to to their main page, search for Wicca.
Also, check out http://www.2eggmarketing.com/answers/Assets/PHP/%22http://witchvox.com%22 and try to find other Wicca practitioners who may be living in your city or state.
Wicca is a natural religion. So we do not need any props or candles or such paraphernelia. Only if we wish to add such items and want to do so do we need to add tools and other side items. Wicca is all about mind power. What is important in Wicca is meditation, spiritual upliftment and appreciation of Nature and everything around us.
For spells, you can use any of the natural items that are around us such as leaves, roots, flowers, etc. Also you may use many powerful botanicals and spices from the kitchen such as basil, parsley, cardamom, cloves, sesame seeds, cinnamon, etc. Salt is one of the most powerful of ingredients used in spells.
Brightest Blessings on your path to Wicca

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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