Learning the way….

I am really interested in practicing. I am a begginer and am trying to get information on how to go about it. What tools I need and so on and so forth. I was raised a Christian but there are parts of the religion that I have doubts about. I have been looking around and everything I have read about wiccanism attracts me. I really believe that this is my path. problem is my family. My parents are pastors along with my in-laws and my brother and brother in law. My husband knows I am reasearching wicca but he says it’s “evil”, I try to explain it to him but he won’t listen. How do I get him to understand? Thank you for any help that you can give me.

Hello there my dear, I am glad to hear that you have a genuine interest in the faith… but also saddened to hear that your family is being so intolerant of something they very obviously do not fully understand…. Unfortunately, so people are just bull headed and stubborn (and maybe more than a little bigoted) in that manner and no matter what you do, they have their beliefs – which includes the “fact” that they are right – and nothing you say or do is ever going to change that…. For others, it is a matter of understanding and education. Their upbringing and previous experiences have taught them one thing… and that one thing may be quite far from anything resembling the truth. And so what they really need is someone to sit them down and explain the way things really are to them…. For your sake and your sanity, we will hope that your family fall into the latter category of the two…. Perhaps showing them the tenants of the Witches’ Rede will help them to understand that what they envision as witchcraft and the modern day reality of the faith are two very different things. That you are not wanting to wear a black pointy hat or ride a broomstick or sacrifice babies to the devil… or anything else of that sort…. Instead, you have a interest in a religion whose core belief is that you should harm no other… which is certainly something I think that the world could use a lot more of these days….

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

One Response to “Learning the way….”

  1. Cheryl L. Sherman says:

    I was in a similar situation. I found that when my family was intolerant that I needed to be quiet and loving. I have a BA in Theology and Ministry. I was an ordained minister in the California.

    Christianity says that it has the “Way” and there is no other. Compromise on the part of your family members won’t be available to them. They know what you believe now, but you may never be able to get them to accept your journey on the “Path of the Wise”. Christianity may have them believing you will go to “Hell” without Christ… You know that is not true. But you may appear to them as being deluded now.

    Reincarnation is a wonderful truth and very powerful. Walk the path and love others even when they condemn you and don’t understand.

    It is not our way as Witches or Wiccas on the “Path of the Wise” to get others to believe us or walk our path.

    Christianity is about getting others to accept Christ and be a Christian. This is not what we do in Wicca. Wicca is a spiritual awakening that is amazing and vital!

    There is a lot of excellent information and books for sale about Witches/Wicca/Paganism at the Llewellyn website. There are several websites that offer wonderful Wicca teaching sites, like Grey School of Wizardry, Sacred Mists, MagickalCat etc.

    Remember as a Wicca or Witch we don’t convert. We harm none and do magickal rituals and spells to help and improve other’s lives!
    Merry Meet,

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