Protecting a loved one….

my boyfriend has just gone to join the royal marines, i really didnt want him to go, because i love him so much,but nothing i said would change his mind, what spell couldi do to protect him, when and if he gets put into war. ps i dnt want him to be hurt. ta bec x

Hello there Bec my dear, There is nothing more terrifying than knowing that a loved one is in harms way…. Here are a couple of spells that might help bring him back to you safely though…. A Blessing A simple candle spell…. You will need: One White Candle Blessing Oil A Bolline or Burin Carve the name of the person to be blessed or your own name on the candle and dress it with the oil. For the next seven days burn an equal part of the candle, snuffing it out after these words 9or similar) have been spoken: “May nothing ever harm you. May love be yours to give and take. May nothing ever alarm you. May wealth be yours to make. May your health be good and your mind strong. May your friendships be the best. May your heart be strong and your life long. Dear (Insert name here), may you be blessed. And let it be done, that it harm no one. A Spell for Safe Travel There are times when we all feel nervous about a journey, no matter how experienced of a traveler we may be. This spell is best cast on a Wednesday before setting off on a new journey. This spell can be cast for yourself or for another. You Will Need: A stone from your garden or from an area where you feel at ease A yellow taper candle Lavender essential oil An essential oil burner Yellow acrylic paint Violet acrylic paint A paintbrush First, light the yellow candle and the oil burner. Facing east, paint the stone yellow. As the paint dries, visualize yourself or the person you are casting for arriving safely home after their journey. Now paint a violet triangle with three equal sides on the stone. This symbol represents air. That done, face east again and while holding the stone at eye level repeat the following eight times: “Oh guardian of the east, Fill this stone with your blessing and protection, I pray for a safe journey for (insert name here), Guard (insert name here) and guide (insert name here), On the path this journey takes, And see (insert name here) home safely.” At the end of the eighth repetition say, “And let it be done, that it harm no one.” Before performing your closing ritual in the usual way. Take the stone with you (or have the recipient of the spell take it with them) whenever they travel or embark on a journey. Some practitioners prefer to wear the stone in a consecrated pouch around their necks.

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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