We Want Powers

Rose it’s me again.I hope you can grant my request.I also want you to grant

Kori,Kristen,and Dayanna too. They are my best friends in the whole world.I want them to have

powers too.They have been trying to study witchcraft with me and we got no where.And we’re all

eleven.I really hope you can group us to gether and rid the world of criminals.Those people should

move to another planet.But still email me and answer as sonn as you can. Thanks from Xaena (Zay-


Hello there my dear,
Being a witch is about a lot more than simply casting spells. It is much like any other system of

beliefs in that the trappings and rituals are only small portions of the overall whole. And thus,

much like taking the Eucharist does not make you a Catholic, intoning a spell does not make you a

Right now it sounds to me like you may have read one too many Harry Potter or Teen Witch books and

think it would simply be “cool” to be able to cast “real” spells. Unfortunately, that is not the

way this works at all. Becoming a practitioner of the wise craft requires a very real level of

commitment and dedication. It is neither a quick, nor easy road to undertake and I would never

suggest it to anyone who is going to take it lightly.
So, if you think you might be interested in one of the many belief systems associated with being a

witch (I personally am a wiccan) then I would suggest rather than trying to jump straight into the

ritual, you take the time to do a bit of research and learn a bit about the dogma of the

Perhaps look for a bookstore in your local town that caters to such things and go and speak to the

people there about their experiences and how they went about finding their faith….

Rose Ariadne: Providing “Magickal” answers to your Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft spell casting questions since 2006.

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